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SPARK Regulation

This is version 1.0 of the rules for Spark 2024. In the event of future changes, these will be posted under new versions.


Participants must be between 6 and 13 years old.

Teams are 2 to 4 participants and must be coached by 1 or 2 mentors.


R01. Each team can only publish one project.

R02. Each team must publish an original and not adapted project.

R03. Each team must publish the project before the submission deadline. Please do not publish your project in advance.

R04. Project name: The published project must include the official name of the project, which must be exactly the same as the name of the project poster.

R05. Introduction of the project: The introduction of the project should include the content of the topic and the functions of the project. The description should not exaggerate the actual functions and working mechanism of the project. The introduction of the whole project is usually between 700 and 900 words, not exceeding 2000 words.

R06. Instructions: Steps should be clearly identified in the instructions, and there should be a sequential relationship between the steps. Avoid situations where readers cannot understand, perform or achieve the desired effect with the instructions. Do not make mistakes, omit or skip steps.

R07. Project program: The uploaded program should have clear notes on the implementation of each function. The notes should be as straightforward as possible to help the judges understand the logic of the programme.

R08. Project videos: The video content will include the oral presentation by the participants, a functional demonstration of the project, what ideas guided the creation of the project, the construction and programming of the project. Videos must be in MP4 or MOV format, with a maximum weight of 200M. Lighting must be bright and clear to avoid blurred videos. 

R09. Project image: Photos can be in GIF, JPG, PNG formats, and the size of a single photo must not exceed 10M. Upload at least three photos, and choose one photo as the project cover when posting the project. The photos should be clearly illustrative of the main theme shown. Take photos from various angles to fully present the structure and design of the project.

R10. Check the uploaded materials on your own initiative after submission in case something goes wrong. Contestants may fail to score on any dimension if there is no corresponding information in the submitted materials.


S01. The poster must be created by the participants themselves and drawn manually. Both paper and digital versions are accepted. Participants are encouraged to give free rein to their imagination and artistic creativity to show their project with images and text in a vivid and concise way.

S02. Format requirements: The name of the poster must be the same as the name of the submitted project. It should preferably be presented in PDF format. In case the poster cannot be converted to PDF, the entrant is suggested to take HD photos and upload them, with a maximum of 3 images and a size not exceeding 30M in total.

The size of each poster should not exceed 297 mm x 420 mm (A3). Environmentally friendly paper or other poster materials may be used, with clear content for easy reading.

S03. Content recommendation: The content of the poster should include basic project information, including but not limited to the project name, author, main functions and inspirations for the project. The poster can also show the discovery and problem-solving process, preferably with manuscripts such as design drafts, structure and programming logic. Indicate on the poster the main hardware materials. If a large number of non-quantifiable materials are used, such as paper casings or metal parts, it is sufficient to fill in the name of the material without marking the quantity. For example: CyberPi x1, several paper casings, ultrasonic sensor.


In order to ensure a fair competition and a high quality competition experience, the Scientia Foundation Competition Committee reserves the right to update and supplement these rules.

INSPIRE Regulation

This is version 2.0 of the rules of procedure for Inspire Smart Logistics 2024. In case of future changes, these will be posted under new versions.



Participants must be between 6 and 13 years of age.

Teams are 2 to 4 participants and must be coached by 1 or 2 mentors.




E01. The Referee gives the team an oral warning for the first infringement and asks the team to stop the infringement and obey the Referee's instructions. During the warning, the competition will be timed normally.

Violation of the rules

E02. The referee immediately announces the infringement to the team and deducts 20 points (the team has already been warned once before in this same game). During the infringement, the competition is timed normally.

E03. If scoring advantages were gained during the competition due to rule-violating behaviour, these advantages will be invalidated, and the scoring cubes will become invalid cubes.

Invalidating Transport Buckets

E04. The referee shall invalidate field cubes and scoring cubes if they have been touched in an unauthorised manner. Invalidated scoring cubes are removed from the field of play by the referee and do not score. The referee has the right to decide whether the final state of the scoring cubes before they are deactivated shall be scored according to the contents of this manual. During the scoring phase, if a scoring cube comes into contact with the robot, it shall not be counted as a score, whether or not it is in a scoring state.

Disqualification from a game

E05. If, during the game, the team violates the rules, the score of the game will be invalidated, but does not affect other games.

Disqualification from the entire competition

E06. The team will lose the opportunity to continue participating in the competition and the right to a prize.


R06. Participants must read the Inspire Guidebook and have at least one mentor.

R07. During the preparation process, the team must not perform any dangerous actions.

R08. The team must pay attention to safety when using dangerous tools (screwdrivers, sharp knives).

R09. During the competition, teams are suggested to wear protective goggles; long hair must be tied back; teams are forbidden to wear slippers in the competition area. 

R10. During the competition, teams must not press hard on the field of play or engage in any other behaviour that may damage the field of play or the transport buckets.

The referee has the right to refuse entry to the competition area to teams that do not comply with the safety rules. The referee has the right to disqualify a team for the entire competition depending on the level of danger.


Early robot start-up

R11. Contestants must start the robot after the referee announces the start of the competition. 

If the robot is moved in advance, or the robot starts in advance.

< Penalty: Infringement.

Operation by wireless remote control

R12. Contestants are not allowed to bring electronic communication devices (mobile phones, intercoms, computers or any other wireless remote devices) into the competition area.

> Penalty: Warning. In serious cases, disqualification from a game.

Failure to comply with programming tools

R13. Contestants are not allowed to bring computers, tablets or any other programming device into the competition area.

> Penalty: Disqualification from a game if serious.

Infringement for contact with the robot

R14. During the competition, contestants are strictly prohibited from direct or indirect contact with the robots.

> Penalty: Violation of the rules. In serious cases, disqualification from a game.

Violation of the rules by contact with the cubes.

R15. During the competition, contestants are strictly forbidden to make direct or indirect contact with the props.

> Penalty: Violation of the rules. The bucket will be invalidated and removed from the field of play by the referee.

Deliberately pressing or hitting the field of play.

R16. During the competition, the competitor must not deliberately press or strike the field of play to gain a scoring advantage.

> Penalty: Infringement. Any points or advantage gained due to such a violation of the rules will be invalid.

Destroying elements of the field of play on purpose

R17. During the competition, contestants and robots are not allowed to destroy elements of the field of play on purpose.

> Penalty: Violation of the rules

Scoring of Transport Cubes leaving the field of play.

R18. Throughout the process of an individual match, the vertical projection of the cube must not leave the field of play.

> Penalty: Violation of the rules. The cube is invalid and will be removed from the field of play.

Robot leaving the field of play

R19. During the game, the vertical projection of the robot must not leave the field of play.

> Penalty for this behaviour: Infraction

Violation of the rules due to mentoring.

R20. During the entire competition, including robot construction and debugging time, the team must not have any external mentoring.

> Penalty: Warning for the first time, and infraction for the second time. In severe cases, disqualification from a match.



R21. It will be considered a Very Serious foul if a team or a person connected with the team incurs, but is not limited to, any of the following circumstances. In the event of Very Serious fouls, the referee has the right to disqualify the entire competition.

- Discourteous behaviour (insults, obscene gestures, unnecessary physical contact).

- Seriously affecting the competition area and the safety of the public.

- Interfering with the process of the competition.

- Seriously violating the spirit of the competition (e.g. cheating).

- Repeated infringements or ignoring the referee's warning in flagrant violation of the rules.

- Malicious Complaints

Abnormal situation

R22. Includes but is not limited to the following situation:

- Potential safety risk: problems arise at the competition site that may affect the safety of the competition areas, equipment or robots.

- Damaged or missing elements of the playing field and props: the playing field, its elements and props are damaged or accidentally missing, resulting in the competition not being able to continue.

- Replay: The referees have the right to discuss and determine whether a re-competition is necessary depending on the specific situation.


In order to ensure a fair competition and a high quality competition experience, the Scientia Foundation Competition Committee reserves the right to update and supplement these Rules.

QUANTA Regulation


  • To create scientific and technological vocations among young people. Nothing more.


  • To promote the development of programming skills, creativity and collaboration.

  • Contribute to the promotion of robotics learning and support for teachers.


  • Participation is by teams, which must be made up of a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 16 participants.

  • Participants must be in secondary education.

  • The owner of the team is always an educational centre.

  • Each team will receive a number from the organisation to which a name must be added.

  • Each team must have a mentor who is a teacher from the linked school.

  • The mentor will be responsible for supervising and guiding the team throughout the apprenticeship and tournaments.

  • All teams must adopt and promote the Principles of Participation.​


  • Responsible competition: Participating in QUANTA with responsibility, respecting opponents and the spirit of the game.

  • Continuous improvement: Seeking personal and collective growth through learning, training and self-development.

  • Positive attitude: Approaching challenges with optimism and enthusiasm, having a solution-seeking mentality, finding enjoyment in the process of learning and competing, regardless of the outcome.

  • Sense of community: Fostering the development of a community, where people are united in purpose, working towards a better society.


  • Each edition will provide the challenge to be solved with all the details needed to solve it.

  • Challenges are solved through the construction of a robot and are linked to real-world challenges and can involve programming tasks, construction, object manipulation and more.

  • Teams will demonstrate their solving skills in Tournament Matches.


  • Rounds will be played between 2 Teams.

  • To solve the challenge, each Team will build between 2 and 4 different robots working collaboratively to solve the challenge together in the same Match. 

  • Each Team will have a choice of 2 Matches.

  • During the Match the robots cannot be physically modified.

  • The Match will be played on a smooth, continuous, white, flat, square surface of 1 m2 (inner surface) which must be delimited by a black line. The centre of the square shall be marked by a red dot of 1 cm diameter. 

  • All robots start from outside the marked square.

  • Time stops counting when the challenge is solved, and all robots are outside the square.

  • Games are solved in a maximum time of 3 minutes.


  • Each team may participate in multiple Tournaments

  • Each Tournament will have a minimum of 20 teams and there is no maximum.

  • Each Tournament will have different Awards, scores and a single qualifier for the ROBOTICS ARENA. 

  • Each Tournament will have a Leader, responsible for all organisational elements.

  • Each Tournament will have a Master, the highest authority in the evaluations and scores. His decisions are final.

  • The Tournaments will provide the teams with a recording system that will allow the VAR to be used in case of doubt.

  • The Tournaments are open to the public.

  • All tournaments are remotely supported by the QUANTA organisation.​

There are two types of tournaments:

  • Qualifiers: these are local tournaments distributed throughout the territory and hosted in educational or municipal centres and their winners are entitled to a place in the ROBOTICS ARENA.

  • ROBOTICS ARENA: The winners of the qualifying tournaments will go to a single venue to compete in a final with the rest of the qualified teams. For the ROBOTICS ARENA there will be qualifying and knockout rounds, as well as the expoX, an exhibition of the completed project and answering questions from the referees.

This judging system is applicable for each Tournament.
The winner of the Tournament will be determined among all Teams that have completed the entire Challenge within the maximum time limit according to the following criteria:

  • 1 second = 1 point

  • Time is counted to 2 decimal places, with the scoring range being between 0.01 and 180.

  • The aim of every Team is to score the minimum number of points. 

  • The winner is the Team that manages to complete the Challenge in the shortest possible time. 

  • The best time of the 2 Matches that meet the Challenge will be taken into account.

  • The final ranking of a Tournament will list the times to complete the Challenge of all participating Teams.

  • In the event of a tie, the Team whose sum of lines of code or blocks of code of all their robots is the lowest will be considered the winner.

  • If there is still a tie, a series of 2 Matches will be played to decide the final winner.

  • All teams will be eligible for Awards 


The Awards recognise the work carried out by the Teams in different aspects.
Awarding to the Winning Team of the Tournament

  • Tournament Winner: Awarded to the Team - according to the rules - and its alliance members. 

Awarding recognition to the teams participating in the Tournament:

  • Responsible competition: Participating in OpenScientia responsibly, respecting opponents and the spirit of the game.

  • Continuous improvement: Seeking personal and collective growth through learning, training and self-development.

  • Positive attitude: Approaching challenges with optimism and enthusiasm, having a solution-seeking mentality and finding enjoyment in the process of learning and competing, regardless of the outcome.

  • Sense of community: Fostering a sense of being an integral part of the community, where people find connection, support and a shared identity.​


  • All commercial educational robots with a price of less than 420 Euros per robot are allowed.

  • Teams can manufacture custom parts and accessories, as well as use materials such as wood, cardboard, paper, liquids, among others, to personalise and decorate and improve the commercial versions of their robots.

  • The robots must operate autonomously, without any interference or remote control system during the entire challenge. 

  • Robots may be programmed with any type of software, but this must always be available for verification by the Tournament organisers.

  • All robots will be verified by the tournament organisers before the start of the tournament.​

ACTUALIZACIÓN REGLAMENTO This regulation is built by all of us and will be improved in each edition. If any situation is not covered, it will be resolved according to the spirit and general rules of the competition.

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